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제목 [번역] 클립쉬에서 ‘내게 완벽한 서브우퍼’를 고르는 방법을 알려드립니다.
작성자 클립쉬코리아 (ip:)
  • 작성일 2019-06-25 16:30:40
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 2178
평점 0점

클립쉬에서 내게 완벽한 서브우퍼를 고르는 방법을 알려드립니다.


처 : 클립쉬 블로그 https://www.klipsch.com/blog/how-to-pick-the-perfect-subwoofer

Devon Dean
February 26, 2019

Besides popcorn or a cold beer, subwoofers are the perfect companion to your home music and movie-going experiences.

Without one, you’re missing out on everything you’re meant to hear. Traditional loudspeakers can only go so low, meaning a subwoofer can add deep, rich bass to your sound tableau.

Long story short, it might shake your floors. But, it’ll be worth it.

안녕하세요. 클립쉬코리아입니다.


요새 집에서 영화 많이들 보시죠?

가성비 좋은 프로젝터도 많이 나와 있고 주로 푹티비(POOQ TV) 넷플릭스(NETFLIX) 영화를 시청합니다. 👾

화요일인 오늘도 이번 주말에는 집에서 어떤 영화를 볼까 생각하게 되는데요.

특히 집에서 영화를   팝콘, 콜라, 시원한 맥주, 치맥 말고도 최고의 궁합이 있습니다.

바로 서브우퍼~~!!!


서브우퍼는 극장처럼 영화를 보고 싶을  필요한 완벽한 친구입니다.

만약 서브우퍼가 없으시다면, 들으려고 하는 모든 것을 놓치고 계신 거예요.👊


일반 라우드스피커가 낮은 저역대를 출력한다면, 서브우퍼는 여기에 한층  깊고 풍부한베이스를 더합니다.

보통 100Hz 아래쪽 대역을 재생하기 때문입니다.

짧게 얘기하자면, 가치 있죠!🔥


If you played your favorite song or TV show through a subwoofer (with no other speakers), all you’d hear is a muffled “wump, wump, wump” similar to a dinosaur or elephant walking.

그렇다면, 서브우퍼는 어떻게 작동할까요?


다른 스피커 없이 서브우퍼로만 노래 혹은 TV 프로그램을 재생하면 공룡이나 코끼리가 걷는 것 같은 쿵쿵소리만 들립니다.

놓치고 있던 소리를 들어보세요~! 🙋‍♂

서브우퍼가 없다면 모든 오디오의 기본파트인 깊고 낭랑한 주파수대를 완전히 놓치고 계신겁니다. 

할리우드 블록버스터 영화의 격정적인 액션장면이나 

풍부하게 섬세한 교향곡을 듣던 우리는 서브우퍼가 필요합니다.


The difference in subwoofers is in the details. Let’s take wired vs. wireless by example.

A wired subwoofer needs to be directly connected to your A/V receiver with a signal cable (usually an RCA-type cable). This is essentially a speaker cable, but specifically for subwoofers. A wired subwoofer can be powered, or passive -- if it’s powered, it means it has its own onboard amplifier, in which case you’ll also need to plug it into a wall outlet for power. A passive sub gets all of its power and signal from the receiver over a single cable.

A wireless subwoofer gets its signal wirelessly from the A/V receiver (or sometimes the TV or soundbar), but it always needs its own power source. So even though we call it a “wireless” subwoofer, there’s still at least one cable to work with. Because wireless subs always have built-in amps, there aren’t any passive wireless subwoofers.

모든 서브우퍼가 동일하게 제작되진 않습니다. 

 서브우퍼의 차이점은 바로 디테일 있습니다.

유선과 무선을 먼저 비교해보실까요?


유선 서브우퍼: 유선이라면 먼저 RCA 타입의 케이블을 통해 A/V 리시버에 연결합니다.

유선 서브우퍼라면 안에 전력이 들어가 있거나 패시브 스피커라고   있습니다.

만약 전력이 들어간 서브우퍼라면 앰프 내장형 스피커이기 때문에 

전기 콘센트에 꽂아 사용합니다. 만약 패시브 서브우퍼라면

외장앰프를 별도로 마련  케이블을 연결해 리시버로 전력을 받습니다.


무선 서브우퍼: A/V 리시버, TV, 사운드바 등을 통해 무선으로 신호를 받습니다.

무선이라 할지라도 전력 소스가 필요하기 때문에 무선 서브우퍼도 케이블이 필요합니다.

무선 서브우퍼는 앰프가 내장된 액티브형 스피커이기 때문에 패시브 무선 서브우퍼는 존재하지 않습니다.


Subwoofers are built in one of two ways: Some subs are down-firing, which means the sound is directed out of the bottom of the speaker, while side-firing units project the sound out of one side of the unit.

Placement is everything when choosing between down or side-firing. For example, you wouldn’t want a subwoofer pounding sound into a wall. In that instance, a down-firing sub is perfect when placed in the center of the room. But, if you live in an apartment or condo, a side-firing sub might be a better fit in the literal sense.

하향 또는 사이드 서브우퍼


서브우퍼는 2가지 종류가 있습니다.

서브우퍼 스피커가 밑면에 위치해 아래를 보고 소리를 출력하는 방식인 다운 파이어링(down-firing) 

스피커의 한쪽 면에서 소리를 출력하는 사이드 파이어링 (side-firing) 있습니다.


 가지를 선택  어떻게 배치할 것인가를 따지는  제일 요합니다.

공간의 센터부에 설치  서브우퍼의 소리가 벽을 치는 듯한 소리를 원하지 않을 때는 

다운 파이어링 (down-firing)방식의 서브우퍼를 선택해야 합니다.

하지만 아파트나 콘도에 설치 시에는 한치의 망설임도 없이 사이드 파이어링 (side-firing)방식을 선택하는 것이 좋습니다.


So what else should you consider when picking the perfect subwoofer? Keep reading.

Room size: It may go without saying, but let’s just say it: Bigger rooms require bigger sound. To really get the full effect of a subwoofer’s low-end boom in a large room, you may have to consider buying more than one subwoofer.

Power: Yes, Klipsch subs are known for “pissing off the neighbors.” You don’t necessarily have to abide by that mantra, especially if your space is an apartment or condo. Much like a high-end sports car can go really fast, that doesn’t mean you have to break the sound barrier to appreciate its finer qualities. The same thing goes for subwoofers. A model rated for up to 1,000 watts can certainly deliver ear-splitting volume, but the design, materials, and craftsmanship that allow it to do so also sound amazing at low volumes as well.

Current setup: It’s important to figure out if a new subwoofer is compatible with your existing equipment. For instance, if you already have a soundbar and don’t use an A/V receiver, the soundbar will need to support a wireless subwoofer (generally from the same brand). If your soundbar doesn’t support either of these options, you’ll probably need to get one that does or switch to an A/V receiver. Long story short: double check the compatibility of any subwoofer before you commit.

고려 사항


당신의 공간에 적합한 서브우퍼를 고르기 위해  무엇을 고려해야 할까요?

계속 읽어주세요 ^^


공간의 크기: 너무나 당연한 얘기지만 공간의 크기에 따라 서브우퍼를 선택해야 합니다.  공간일수록  소리가 필요합니다.  

서브우퍼의 로우엔드(low-end) 붐의 효과를 최대로 누리기 위해서는 실제로 서브우퍼를   이상 구매해야  수도 있습니다.


출력:  아시다시피 클립쉬의 서브우퍼는 이웃 사람들을 화나게 하는 스피커 알려져있습니다.

아파트나 콘도에 살고 있다면 얘기가 달라질 수도 있습니다.

하이엔드 스포츠카가 빨리 달릴  있는 것처럼  정교한 음질을 즐기기 위해 소리의 장벽을  필요는 없습니다.

서브우퍼도 마찬가지입니다.

1,000W 넘는 출력을 뽐내는 모델은 확실히 귀를 놀라게 하는 사양을 자랑하며

디자인, 재질, 장인 정신  낮은 볼륨에서도 놀라울 정도로 깊은 음장감을 들려줍니다.


설치: 새로 구매한 서브우퍼가 기존의 장비와 호환이 되는지 여부를 확인하는 것이 중요합니다.

사운드바가 A/V 리시버를 사용하지 않는다면, 보통 동일 브랜드의 무선 서브우퍼를 지원합니다.

 경우가 아니라면 A/V 리시버를 별도로 구매하거나 A/V 리시버로 전환하는 것도 방법입니다.

다시 한번 강조드립니다!

구매  모든 서브우퍼의 호환성을 확인하시기 바랍니다. 🙏


다음과 같은 유용한 클립쉬 서브우퍼를 추천드립니다. 😏

R-120SW : 최고의 베이스 퀄리티로 영화, 음악 감상에 새로운 패러다임을 구현합니다.

깨끗하고 깊은 저역대로  오디오 시스템의 품격을 높이실  있습니다.

R-120SW자세히 보러 가기

R-100SW : SPUN-COOPER IMG 우퍼와 ALL-DIGITAL 앰프의 조화로 디테일한 저역을 출력합니다.


R-100SW자세히 보러 가기

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